Hotel Area Map

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Hotel Area Map

Hotel Area Map

Parking Information

Guests staying at the hotel will have free parking during their stay.
Please inform us of your name and accommodation when passing through the parking gate.

Please park your car at the designated reception parking lot near the hotel front when checking in, and complete the check-in process at the hotel front.
We will guide you to the parking lot near the accommodation building and give you a parking ticket at the reception.

Distance and Time from Each Facility

Accommodation Building Destination Time
THE MAIN Hotel Front 0 minutes 0m
Hotel Restaurant 2 minutes 170m
Hotel Gate
2 minutes and 30 seconds 200m
WEST Hotel Front 1 minute 100m
Hotel Restaurant 1 minute and 30 seconds 130m
Hotel Gate
2 minutes and 30 seconds 200m
NORTH Hotel Front 2 minutes and 30 seconds 200m
Hotel Restaurant 4 minutes and 30 seconds 370m
Hotel Gate
5 minutes 400m

※Content is subject to change without notice.
※The price is displayed as the total price.
※The photos and illustrations used are for illustration purposes only.