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Suzuka Sunday Road Race
2015 Suzuka Kinki Championship Series Round 3 Suzuka Sunday Road Race
Suzuka Kinki National JSB1000 Final Official Results Table

DATE:2015-06-07 WEATHER: Cloudy COURSE: Dry International Racing Course 5.821km
Pos. No. Rider Type Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 37 Okamoto RinjiSuzuki GSX-R1000Rider House Miyajima10 22'52.435152.69km/h R 2'15.621
2 92 Katsuyuki KatoKawasaki ZX-10REspoint & AZS Nariden + Tailor Design ♪10 22'52.666 0.231 0.231 2'15.638
3 74 Hayashi NorioSuzuki GSX-R1000Team MotoCrush and the Fighting Spirit Store Manager & Tailor Design10 22'59.624 7.189 6.958 2'16.545
4 82 Yasumitsu NakaoKawasaki ZX-10RThe! Transporter NKO + B〜DASH10610 23'16.109 23.674 16.485 2'17.792
5 77 Mori ShigeoDucati 1199 PanigaleTeam de"LIGHT10 23'21.799 29.364 5.690 2'18.521
6 93 Murakami TsukasaBMWS1000RRADVANCE MC & CLAYMORE10 23'35.547 43.112 13.748 2'19.878
7 35 Yoshikane NorioYamaha YZF-R1K-max Racing with TEAM OBA☆Picasso Creative10 23'35.928 43.493 0.381 2'20.312
8 9 Nobuji TakamuraKawasaki ZX-10RAgain RC&AST10 23'55.144 1'02.709 19.216 2'21.845
9 38 Hirohiko MiyamotoHonda CBR1000RRAkiyama Industries ☆ EVES10 24'04.036 1'11.601 8.892 2'22.961
10 56 Yasushi KoikeSuzuki GSX-R1000 10 24'06.577 1'14.142 2.541 2'22.458
11 21 Nobuyoshi ShinoKawasaki ZX-10RObama Bike Garage10 24'10.038 1'17.603 3.461 2'22.673
12 50 Katsuyuki KuritaHonda CBR1000RRTeam PJS10 24'16.123 1'23.688 6.085 2'23.977
13 14 Toshi OseKawasaki ZX-10RTEAM FASTER & JUPITER10 24'17.607 1'25.172 1.484 2'24.224
14 88 Hachimachi NaokiKawasaki ZX-10RKF Lime Green10 24'38.110 1'45.675 20.503 2'25.611
15 57 Kuniteru IzumiSuzuki GSX-R1000Take Up with Dog House10 24'45.615 1'53.180 7.505 2'25.655
16819 Yanase TatsuroHonda CBR1000RRteam SEED10 25'00.407 2'07.972 14.792 2'23.911
17 78 Minegawa MitsuharuHonda CBR1000RRclub NEXT Shimada Seisakusho FUN&RUN Friends Club9 22'59.624 1Lap 1Lap 2'24.373
18 25 Yoshimi NagasakaSuzuki GSX-R1000Club Es Point + AZ Racing + SBS Toyota9 24'43.439 1Lap 1'43.815 2'18.257
Did not pass the finish line below:
19 33 Koike AkitoshiBMWS1000RRteam SEED9 21'43.576 1Lap   2'23.050
Completed laps above specified number:
 746 Noguchi ReishoYamaha YZF-R1ZeroStart+STRandVoice Did not participate   
  55 Jun KagawaKawasaki ZX-10RDOG HOUSE with Evil Hunting Racing Did not participate   

"R" marked cars have updated the Course Records. The previous record time was 2'15.800

Best lap time during the race was 37 Okamoto Rinji Rider House Miyajima 2'15.621 7/10 154.52km/h

Lap Limit 7

◎The winner of the Clever Wolf Award for this event has been decided as No.37, Ryoji Okamoto.

Penalty No.78 for violation of Article 4, Section 17 (Start) of the MFJ Domestic Competition Regulations, a stop and go penalty was imposed.