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Kart Race in SUZUKA
2017 Suzuka Championship Series Round 4 Kart Race in SUZUKA
SSJ Open Qualifying Heat Results Table

DATE:2017-07-02 WEATHER: Fine COURSE: Dry International South Course 1.264km
Pos. No. Driver Type Tire Team Laps Total Time Delay Gap Best
1 18 Sato RyoEXPRIT/YAMAHAYHTeam Precision with HRT10 9'16.11981.82km/h  54.995
2 2 Makai SakagamiDragoCORSE/YAMAHAYHAKILAND RACING10 9'17.974 1.855 1.855 54.976
3 8 Hattori ShinTONYKART/YAMAHAYHAsh10 9'18.203 2.084 0.229 55.239
4 56 Naoto IwataTONYKART/YAMAHAYHSEV Supporters Piita Pan10 9'19.268 3.149 1.065 55.249
5 11 Hayabusa KawaiTONYKART/YAMAHAYHAsh10 9'20.003 3.884 0.735 55.466
6 9 Takuma NozakaKOSMIC/YAMAHAYHTech Miyazawa10 9'20.991 4.872 0.988 55.403
7 4 Kanayama KairiFA-KART/YAMAHAYHHIGUCHIRT10 9'19.064 2.945  55.123
8 7 Sho MuroyaCRG/YAMAHAYH$8 Dolce Cart Service Hat10 9'21.306 5.187 2.242 55.390

No.8 JAF Domestic Karting Regulations Article 22 (Prohibition of Obstruction) In case of violation, the ranking will be one place below the original 1st place.
Article 22 (Prohibition of Obstruction) of the No.4 JAF Domestic Karting Competition Rules and Regulations: In case of violation, the ranking will be lowered by three places from the original position.

Fastest Lap No. 2 Sakagami Masami AKILAND RACING 54.976 6/10 82.77km/h